It is through the generous donations from families and friends of Skyline that Skyline Friends of the Arts (SFA) is able to support the Skyline performing arts staff in developing and maintaining its internationally recognized performing arts program. SFA is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt public charity. Your donations are tax-deductible as allowed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
To donate by credit card or PayPal
Click the "Donate Here" button above.
Select your donation amount ($30, $50, $100 or another amount of your choosing).
Select the fund you'd like to support from the "use this donation for" dropdown menu (optional). If you do not indicate a specific fund, your donation will go to the SFA general fund to be shared among the programs.
Use the "write a note" area to share a message and/or indicate your name as you would like it to appear on our donor lists (optional)
Complete your payment as directed.
To donate by check
Complete the SFA Donation Form.
Write a check payable to Skyline Friends of the Arts. Include the specific program you'd like to support in the memo line (optional). If you do not indicate a specific fund, your donation will go to the SFA general fund to be shared among the programs.
Bring the form and check to the Skyline High School main office, or mail them to: Skyline Friends of the Arts, c/o Skyline High School, 2552 N. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.
Thank you for your donation!